What are Keyframes in Alight Motion

What are Keyframes in Alight Motion?

In Alight Motion, keyframes are a tool that allows you to set markers at specific parts of video clips and then animate them using their properties. It is an extremely useful tool for those who want to create simple or complex animation and transition effects in style. You can change properties such as position, scale, opacity, and color and decide how an element should move or change over time. You can also control how the animation should start, for instance, if you want it to start fast and then slow down. But to To achieve these advanced effects, you will need to understand the advanced properties listed below.

Importance of keyframes?

Keyframes play a significant role in video editing by allowing content creators to precisely control the position, size, rotation, opacity, and more. With this level of precision and control, anyone can create complex animations and effects. Keyframes also help content creators to create smooth transitions between video clips, such as fades, motion paths, and color changes, to make their videos look professional.

Moreover, keyframes save a lot of time for content creators. For example if you want to animating multiple clips at once, you can copy the properties of the first clip and apply them to the others, rather than animating each clip manually one by one. In short, keyframes are a handy tool for creating engaging animations and effects that capture the audience’s attention.

How to add keyframes in Alight Motion?


The process of adding keyframes in Alight Motion is simple and straightforward. To add keyframes, follow these step-by-step instructions:

  • Open the Alight Motion application on your device.
  • Create a new project or open an existing one.
  • Import the media file on which you want to create keyframes.
  • Tap on the layer and open “Move & Transform.”
  • Click on the “+” button located in the upper left corner of the screen to add a keyframe where you want to add it.
  • Repeat the same process to add more keyframes as needed.

Note: It’s important to note that once you’ve added a keyframe, you have the option to remove it. Simply click on the “-” button, and the keyframe will be removed. If you’re not satisfied with just removing the keyframes and want to reset the entire process, you can do so by clicking on the three dots located in the bottom left corner of the screen and selecting “Reset Location.”

How to move and adjust the keyframe?

Moving and adjusting keyframes in Alight Motion is an important step in the editing process. If you want to learn how to do it, follow these steps:

Suppose you have added a keyframe in your clip. To move it from one place to another, simply long press the keyframe and adjust its position.

position and circular scale

To change or control the properties of the keyframe, follow these steps:

  • Click on the 4-arrow button to move the layer on the keyframe.
  • Swipe in the middle to move the layer, or change the value of XYZ properties to move the layer.

If you want to animate your object in a circular way, follow these steps:

  • Add a keyframe to your clip.
  • Click on the circular icon.
  • Move the object from 0 to 349 degrees by clicking on the circle and moving it.

If you want to zoom in and out of your object, follow these steps:

  • Add keyframes to your clip.
  • Click on the 3rd option from the right sidebar.
  • Adjust the width and height properties to animate your object.
  • You can also unlink the width and height and operate a single one.

If you want to skew your object from bottom to top, follow these steps:

skew and scale
  • Add keyframes to your clip.
  • Click on the 4th option in the right sidebar.
  • Adjust the X Skew and Y Skew properties.
  • You can operate them separately.

By following these steps, you can easily move and adjust your keyframes to achieve the desired animation and effects in your video.

Advance techniques of using keyframes?

If you want to create a more complex animation with a smooth flow, the above methods may not be sufficient. In such cases, an advanced option like Bezier handles can be used.

Bezier handles are adjustable lines or curves that appear after applying keyframes to your clips. They allow you to adjust the curve position to control the smoothness of the animation. To access the Bezier option in Alight Motion, you need to click on the second option in the left toolbar.

Alight Motion provides different ways to control the smoothness of the animation, such as Cubic Bezier Easing. This easing function helps content creators create controlled and smooth animations. There are four types of Cubic Bezier easing in Alight Motion:

keyframe bezier
  1. Ease-in: If you want the animation in Alight Motion to start slowly and then speed up as it progresses, you can use the Ease-in function.
  2. Ease-out: This function starts fast and slows down at the end.
  3. Ease-in-out: If you want both Ease-in and Ease-out in one, choose Ease-in-out to create a smooth animation.
  4. Linear: If you want a constant animation in Alight Motion without acceleration or deceleration, choose the Linear function.

Bounce is another function in Alight Motion that supports elastic movements of an object to bounce up and down. Bounce easing supports four properties:

  1. Simple bounce: This type of animation helps you bounce your object up after hitting the ground.
  2. Double bounce: This will help you to bounce up two times after hitting the ground.
  3. Overshoot bounce: If you want to stretch and compress your object as it bounces up, you can try overshoot bounce.
  4. Elastic bounce: If you want to scale up and down your object while bouncing, try Elastic bounce animation in Alight Motion.

In addition to the above, you can also find STEPS easing in Alight Motion, which helps you create robotic motion. This is opposite to smooth animation. Alight Motion supports two properties of Steps:

  1. Steps(n)
  2. Steps(n, start)

By using these advanced options, you can create more complex and dynamic animations in Alight Motion.

How to copy the keyframes in Alight Motion.

Copying a keyframe from one layer and pasting it to another layer is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  • Select the keyframe from the layer that you want to copy.
  • Click on the “+ layer” button and choose “Copy (including style).”
  • Select the layer that you want to copy the keyframe to.
  • Click on the “+ layer” button again and tap on “Paste style.”
  • The keyframe will be pasted onto the new layer.

Frequently Asked Question.

Keyframes are the markers that are used in video editing and animation to define specific positions in the timeline where the changes will occur. By setting keyframes at different points in the timeline, you can create smooth and controlled movement, transformations, or transitions between elements in your animation or video. Keyframes can be used to precisely control the position, scale, opacity, rotation, and much more.

To find keyframes in Alight Motion, tap on the layer and navigate to the Move & Transform tool. On the left side, you will see the keyframes that you can use in any of your projects.

what are keyframes


As we reach the conclusion of this discussion, it’s clear that keyframes are essential in Alight Motion for creating animations. Keyframes are the core element of video editing, and without them, it’s impossible to create the desired animation. In addition, keyframes have properties that include easing functions necessary for content creators to create smooth and seamless motion graphics.

james william author

James William

James William, a talented video editor who brings visuals to life with his creative expertise. With a passion for storytelling and a keen eye for detail, James has been honing his editing skills for years. James’s proficiency extends to a wide range of editing software, enabling him to bring his artistic vision to reality with precision and finesse.

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